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Units of study

Choose from a range of units of study at UCLA

All successful students must enrol in two courses, totalling 8 UCLA units, offered by UCLA. To see the courses on offer, visit UCLA's Schedule of classes. Make sure to input 'Summer Sessions 2025' from the dropdown menu on 'term'.

The package price includes the costs of two UCLA courses, each worth 4 UCLA units.

Enrolment in most courses is unlimited prior to the first day of the session. However, courses with enrolment limits will close when the limit is reached and, where available, students may place themselves on a waitlist. Additional sessions are often added as the waitlist reaches capacity.

Upon successful completion, students will receive a total of 6 elective credit points towards their degrees at the University of Sydney.

You do not need to have credit approval before applying, as the courses at UCLA will count towards your electives. The United States Studies Centre will assist you in credit mapping, if needed.

Note: The US Studies Centre will assist successful applicants with the credit approval process where applicable. However, all students are responsible for checking and managing their own degree progression requirements.


Find out if you are eligible for this exciting program

How to apply

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Important dates

Key dates to put in your diary

Units of study

Choose from a range of units of study at UCLA

Costs and inclusions

Information about program costs

Refund policy

Important information about refunds

Financial assistance

Learn about options for financial assistance


Experience the richness of college life living on the UCLA campus.

Frequently asked questions

Your questions about the UCLA Study Abroad Program answered

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