The January 6 Select Committee hearings highlight points of crisis in American democracy, yet the roots of these challenges undeniably precede the Capitol riots given US economic, social and cultural trends. Princeton University professor and political scientist Stephen Macedo's authoritative work on immigration, liberalism, populism, and democratic theory explores such trends. What are the most important economic, social, and cultural trends fueling these tensions in US democracy? What can be done to strengthen and improve American democracy? What are the implications for Australia?
To discuss these issues, the USSC hosted an event featuring Princeton University's Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor of Politics, Stephen Macedo in conversation with USSC Director of Research, Jared Mondschein and Director of Engagement and Impact, Mari Koeck.
Professor Stephen Macedo is a Visiting Professor at the Sydney Social Sciences and Humanities Advanced Research Centre (SSSHARC).