The Board, staff and students of the United States Studies Centre were shocked and saddened at the passing of Allan Gyngell AO. Allan was a mentor and friend to many of us, and set the standard for think tank leadership in Australia as the founding executive director of the Lowy Institute. Allan also co-authored a strategic review of the USSC in 2020, which helped to chart the direction of the Centre and reaffirm the importance of our mission. We continue to refer to his insights and advice to this day.
On a personal note, I met with Allan on every visit to Australia since 2002 and he warmly welcomed me when I arrived in August 2022 to begin this new endeavour. This is an enormous loss to all of us who turned to Allan for strategic wisdom, but the many testimonials from across the foreign policy field this week bear witness to his powerful intellectual legacy and impact on so many careers and lives.
We extend our heartfelt condolences to Catherine and the Gyngell family.
Michael J. Green
Professor and CEO, United States Studies Centre