Professor Krishna Sen
Member of the International Academic Advisory CommitteeUnited States Studies Centre
Krishna Sen FAHA is a member of the US Studies Centre's International Academic Advisory Committee.
Sen is Professor in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Western Australia, and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Prior to this, she was Dean of the Faculty of Arts between 2009 to 2016. Previously, Sen was the Executive Director for Humanities and Creative Arts at the Australian Research Council (ARC) in Canberra. She has been a member of the ARC’s Asia Pacific Futures network and the Cultural Research network.
In 2014, Sen was appointed to the Reference Group of the New Colombo Plan under Minister Julie Bishop. She is also a member of the Hawke Research Institute Advisory Board. Sen graduated from the University of Calcutta with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in History. She completed a Masters in International Relations from Jadavpur University and a PhD in Politics from Monash University in Melbourne. She is an internationally recognised scholar of contemporary Indonesian and media studies and is fluent in several South and Southeast Asian languages. She has acted as a consultant to major international agencies on Human Rights in Indonesia.
Sen was a founding member of Murdoch University's Asia Research Centre and served on its international advisory board for many years. She has written extensively on Indonesia, including Indonesian Cinema: Framing the New Order (Zed, London, 1994); Media, Culture and Politics in Indonesia (co-authored, OUP Australia, 2000) and The Internet in Indonesia's New Democracy (co-authored, Routledge, London, NY, 2005). She is also editor of several monographs, including the highly cited Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (co-edited with Maila Stivens, Routledge 1998) and is a member of editorial boards of several international refereed journals.