Dr Fiona Quinn
PhD GraduateUnited States Studies Centre

Fiona Quinn joined the US Studies Centre as its first PhD student in December 2007. Following completion of first class honours in International Management at the University of Sydney and several years experience working in the United States and Australia focussing upon international and cross-cultural management issues, Fiona was offered a special research project with the Centre under the direction of Professor Bruce McKern and Professor Chris Styles.
The project, a joint initiative between the New South Wales Department of State and Regional Development, the United States Studies Centre and the Faculty of Economics and Business; aimed to strengthen understandings of decision-making processes behind the foreign direct investment location decision, in particular how the attractiveness of host locations for foreign direct investment may differ according to the context in which the decision was made. The study’s focus on multinational organisations hailing from China, the United States and Australia within Sydney’s two key growth sectors – the financial services industry and the creative industries - provided a greater insight into perceptions of Sydney as a global centre, and this information has been used to help advise the New South Wales Department of State and Regional Development in marketing and policy initiatives.
In addition to her study, Fiona worked as a part-time management consultant for a private firm and guest lecturer at the University of Sydney. Her memberships include; The Academy of International Business, The Australia New Zealand International Business Association, The Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy, The Australian Human Resources Institute and The PriceWaterhouseCoopers Expatriate Networking Group. She has presented her work at the Academy of International Business annual conference, the Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy annual conference, and before the International Management Special Interest Group at the Australian Human Resources Institute.
Fiona completed her PhD in 2011 and works in Investment and Export Services for the NSW Department of Trade and Investment.