On the eve of its February 2022 invasion, Russia conducted a massive cyber attack on Ukraine’s satellite communications that not only downed services in Ukraine, but the spill-over effects were also felt all across Europe. Two-and-a-half years later, what many saw as the first true cyber war in world history is now also characterised by disinformation warfare.

At last month’s NATO’s Washington Summit, the allies doubled-down on a commitment to engage and work with partners in the Indo-Pacific, particularly on cyber defence, countering disinformation, and technology.

What lessons can we learn about cyber threats and the role of technological innovation from the war in Ukraine? What do these trends tell us about cyber threats and opportunities in the future? How can NATO and partners in the Indo-Pacific apply these lessons in the ongoing technological race against potential adversaries and strategic competitors?

To discuss these issues, the USSC hosted a public forum featuring NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber James Appathurai in conversation with Dr Michael Green.